Top advisor of Trump’s Administration Conway was “Counseled”

Top advisor of Trump's Administration Conway was "Counseled"

After Press Secretary of United States Sean Spicer, another member of President Trump’s administration member stroke in a trouble. One of the top advisor of President Trump’s administration Kellyanne Conway was “Counseled” after promoting Ivanka Trump’s clothes and accessory brand.
Top advisor of Trump's Administration Conway was "Counseled"
While giving interview to Fox news, Conway urge that, “Go buy Ivanka‘s stuff, is what I would tell you, It’s a wonderful line. I own some of it. I fully — I’m going to just, I’m going to give a free commercial here: Go buy it today, everybody. You can find it online.”
After her this statement, members of bipartisan asking for penalty for violating laws. As stated that it is against law of ethics to promote and endorsed any private business or using office for promoting any relative. It is against the law of ethics as stated in constitution of United States of America.
Press Secretary of White House Sean Spicer, while addressing to media said that, Conway has been counseled, she’s been counseled on that subject but when he pressed for details of “counseled” he replied “That’s it”
Whereas, Conway while talking to media said that, she has spent lots of time with President Trump yesterday afternoon and President supports her 100%.