Does Your Teen Have A Problem With Drink Or Drugs?


As your children become teenagers and young adults, it can be a scary time. They are embracing their independence – sometimes with a vengeance! They are also going through a period of experimentation, which can often take them down the route of drinking and trying drugs. For most teens, it’s just a phase, of course. But for others, it can be the start of something far more troublesome – abuse and addiction. But how can you tell if your teen child is developing problems? Read on to find out more.


It can happen to anyone

Problems with alcohol can occur to anyone. It doesn’t matter about social background, upbringing, or income. Drugs have no preference when it comes to claiming a victim. But the reality is that it can be tough to spot the signs.

What to look out for

There are some typical signs that a teen is having problems with drink and drugs. They might have a sudden change in a peer group, or become careless when it comes to cleanliness. They could suffer a drop in results at school – perhaps because they are skipping class. Drugs can often cause teens to lose interest in their favorite activities, too. One of the biggest problems is that the symptoms of regular drug use are often similar to the typical experience of puberty. Teens can often withdraw, their hormones cause behavioral changes, and relationships can deteriorate.

What to expect

As we mentioned above, most kids will grow out of using drugs and their use will be negligible. However, if the abuse continues, it can develop into addiction. There will be legal consequences, too. Many drugs are illegal, of course. And, when teens start to drive, for example, they will often be at risk from traffic stops due to their age. DWI charges are common in adolescents – and they can have a significant impact on their lives. However, according to Scheiner Law, DWI attorneys, not all DWI or DUI charges will result in a conviction. If your teen does experience a charge, it is vital to hire a lawyer to ensure they have fair representation in court.

The importance of communication

It’s important for parents to talk candidly with their teenage children about drinking and drugs. At the end of the day, you aren’t going to stop them taking things if they want to. The only thing you can do is to explain the facts and give them the information they need. Drinking is standard on university campuses, and drugs are easily available. Without education, your child could end up making some rash decisions.

What can you do?

There is treatment available from drug and addiction centers, of course. However, it can be tough for parents to convince their children to go down this route. Most teens only enter treatment when under pressure from their families, so it’s likely you will have to be persuasive. Try to avoid the type of intervention you might see on TV – your teen needs your support above all else.

A lot of teens will drink to excess and take drugs. For the vast majority, it’s just a phase. However, if you suspect your teen is developing an issue, it’s vital to move fast. Do so with courage and conviction – but always offer your support if you want positive results.