The Aftermath of a Disaster: Do Your Know Your Rights After a Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle Accident

The numbers don’t discourage motorcycle riders. Fault or no fault, they have accidents, some light, some heavy in implications.

The San Gabriel Valley Tribune referred to the number of motorcycle-related fatalities and injuries as “a silent epidemic.” These incidents can be as light as a side-swipe or rear end accident. But, when a 600-pound bike hits a two-ton car, something or someone is going to break.

In 2016, 566 motorcyclists were killed in the state and 14,400 motorcyclists were injured. But, cyclists are passionate about their freedom and image. The just love to ride. The question remains: Do you know your rights after a motorcycle accident?

The aftermath of a disaster

Cars and trucks forget bikers have the same rights on the road. They simply forget the cyclists are there. But, cyclists also push their luck changing lanes and lane-splitting. Regardless of fault, bad things happen. After a motorcycle accident, your rights also involve duties:

  1. Seek medical care immediately. Even small injuries turn out to be serious. Your medical care starts the need to keep records. If you refuse attention, the insurance company may challenge your claim and reimbursement terms.

It also gives you the advantage of selecting your own doctor who can document your injuries in the context of your other medical care.

  1. Follow your doctor’s advice. Motorcycle injuries usually involve physical therapy, pharmaceutical regimens, and rehabilitation to restore you to your previous quality of life. It takes time and effort to reclaim your full and fair compensation.

Injuries may involve several specialists, repeated appointments, lengthy therapy, psychological counseling, alternative care, and more. You have a right to the care it takes to make you whole again, but you must also cooperate with the scheduled care.

  1. Seek full and fair compensation. Determination of fault does affect your rights to reimbursement as does individual state law. But, the law promises you reimbursement for income lost as a result of the accident. In addition, you can claim the cost of professional care when you are incapable of caring for yourself.

You may rent a vehicle until yours is fixed or replaced. And, you may seek compensation for short- and long-term pain and suffering resulting from the incident.

  1. Seek an attorney. You have the right to choose a personal injury attorney with motorcycle accident experience. You cannot navigate the world of insurance companies and courts. Whether you were at fault or not, you need professional support.

Regardless of the severity of your injuries, you need advice on insurance negotiation, claim settlement or litigation preparation. You can access the best Los Angeles motorcycle attorneys at

  1. Keep things to yourself. The insurance company has a duty to protect its own interests, so they are positioned to minimize your gain. So, you should not provide them anything without your lawyer’s input.

You may find yourself out of work and under family and financial pressure, but you must avoid signing anything that surrenders your rights or interest. Some at-fault drivers will offer you cash on the spot to forget what happened, but you can do better with your lawyer’s support.

Do you know your rights after a motorcycle accident?

Knowing and doing are different things. Your rights imply duties. And, finding the right balance that makes you whole once again takes professional advice. Like many motorcyclists, you should select a motorcycle accident attorney now and carry the contact information with you. Share it with your family and friends so, in the event of an accident, you have someone to protect your rights.